2018 Hacking/Riding challenge........ Add your photos and join in open to anyone.

Sonny unmounted 50.50hrs
mounted 6.00 hrs

Andi unmounted 3.75 hrs

Have not done a lot of play this week Andi has been quite wired and pacing and screaming toward the pony and big carry on if Sonny got out of her sight.

It is getting better...

Played with Sonny in the little cavaletti round pen in sight
of Andi.
She was quite good and did not carry on at all.
She ended up going in her stall and standing in the door
looking out and that was good.

She also stood nicely to be hosed off when she had a big tme meltdown when I took Sonny around the front of the house
out of her sight.
She always has tied really well but with this pony thing
I was not so sure ....


Harvey is back in school after his recent poor behaviour, so he will be doing some solo hacking and some schooling.

Saturday started with rain so that was a good time to visit our local wood merchants for some 12' x 4" fence posts (aka show jump poles :) ). We have some stands and fillers at the stables, but only very short poles. I didn't feel like riding in the rain twice so we just had 30 minutes in the school doing raised poles. Harvey wasn't very good at it, but he tried hard so that was ok.

Straight after that another livery asked for a favour which turned out to be riding her veteran round the block with her. She doesn't like taking him out on her own so if she hasn't got company he doesn't get a trip out. Obviously I jumped (metaphorically!) at the chance.

Sunday started with a hack which went slightly wrong when I got lost and had to go back the way I came. We had an interesting time when Harvey decided he didn't want to go past a parked boat (which was huge - the deck was about my head level). I don't think he has seen a boat on the side of the road before. A bit of patient cajoling saw us safely past. He was quite good as turning round on a hack normally means he is naughty all of the way back, but he wasn't too bad.

Sunday afternoon was jumping time in the school - neither of us have really jumped since the start of November so it was the start of a slow buildup. We started with 2 cross poles one stride apart and eventually built the second one up to a 65cm straight. Only 20 minutes, but Harvey had done what I asked of him so I decided that was plenty for a first session.

This is Monty :)

A new game is to dismount in a different place every time (to avoid Harvey napping to the gate), and then play follow the leader out of the school :)

1 hour 45
7 miles

Schooling 50 minutes

2 hours 15 minutes

88.7 miles
27 hours 55
Super photos.

Love Harvey following you.

Sonny for some reason hated boats when I first got him.
Nothing phased him but boats for some reason.
It was funny it did not matter if it was a boat out in the water or a canoe on a car top in a parking lot.
Then one ride at Hopkinton park it was BOAT Overload. Boats everywhere.
He never gave them a second look after that.
Sonny was originally a roping horse in Wisconsin and then a pony horse at a race track in Ma. Before I got him so I have no idea why he did not care for boats when
Nothing else bothered him.
Sonny unmounted 51.25hrs
mounted 6.00 hrs

Andi unmounted 3.75 hrs

Play on Tuesday with Sonny.
There may be progress with the end of Andi's
love affair ( I really hope)

I had Sonny it the little cavaletti round pen and I heard the
pony scream.

I know Sonny heard him cause his ear flicked and I saw Andi stop and listen for a second but WOO HOO
*******************NO REACTION NO SCEAMING BACK**********

Maybe she is finished with him.....

We have been chilly but omg yesterday we got to 88f
so no play I went from going out to do horses to coming in and PUTTING SHORTS ON:eek::eek::eek:

Its already over 70 it stayed in mid 60's over nite and will be
80's before 10.

The vet is coming for first round of shots today but no time frame yet. We have thunderstorms due in the afternoon..

Thankfully this heat will only last thru today then go back to
better temps.
A lovely 6 mile hack today, went down a new route was very pleasent. Slight issue on the way home, there is a young farmer who is amused by driving tractors and sprayers right up horses arses! And today he did same as always with the sprayer, right behind us! Refusing to slow, indront was a woman with a dog barking to our right a car full of youngsters and music on loud in this little lay by thing, to the left bushes! Poor PRJ wasnt sure where to go or what to panic at lol, little dance and managed to get him to happily stand near the youths who seen him and turnd the music off, the sprayer passed, farmer smirking like a prat! But we livd to tel the tale

did 20 mins school yesterday too :)
View attachment 93147 Well Mr T rode, half an hour then I hopped on. Only round the fields but lovely.

Look at that view! Gorgeous! I'd be constantly chilled out all the time if I had that view.

Rode Whiskey and led Amber again same route as last week. Have I mentioned I have a new love for ex-polo ponys? I've never had a horse so well behaved as Amber is in my life!
Anyways Gave them all a much needed pamper as Well.
Was at the farm from 8.30am until 3pm

Farrier due first thing tomorrow for 3 sets of shoes and couple trims. Yippee.

I've managed to stay away from whisks mane but I don't known how much longer I can last. Considering hogging it again.
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I went in the four acre front paddock tonight mainly walking but increasing slowly the trotting and building slowly both our stamina and fitness as we go. She was slightly sweating this evening for the first time in the 3 weeks she’s been back ridden.

45 mins in walk and trot

Sunset at the farm

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