posting on the correct diagonal


New Member
I just began taking huntseat lessons and I am having some difficulty learning to post (or rise) on the correct diagonal. I understand the concept...I rise as the outside leg moves forward and return to the seat as the outside leg comes back. My instructor tells me to watch the outside shoulder, but that approach is not working for me. I would prefer to keep my head up (to keep my body in correct alignment) and "feel" the horse's outside leg move forward. Any advice?
Hi Jennifer -

As the outside foreleg pushes back, the outside hindleg is coming forward underneath the horse, and as the outside hind leg comes forward you'll feel your outside hip dipping, and vice versa. If you swing along in sitting trot for a stride or two, and feel that happening, you can say to yourself "sit" each time you feel that outside hip dipping, or "rise" as you feel the inside hip dipping. It's just a short step then to actually doing it.

ugh i know what you mean, posting is so confusing to me ... i know it's easier for the rider and the horse & everything but STILL! lol ... and it's no help when some people to say to post on the inside and some on the outside ... i just post to the outside as you said.

but i was wondering, when you're on a trail or something, on which diagonal do you post? i mean if you aren't in an arena you can't tell which is inside and which is outside.


Mmmmm never thought about that one before!
My natural diagonal is the left one, so one way when I am going around the arena I am on the correct one and the other way I am not, so I have to sit a beat! How annoying!
Awwww I am annoyed with english weather, all it does here is rain. grrrrrrrrrrr :mad:
Hacking out, I change diagonals each time I pass a telegraph pole. If you stay on the "comfortable " one all the time, you and the horse will just get more and more onesided. Or you could just count 20 paces and change, that would help with rhythm, too.