Let them eat cake!

Sheep do not expect food to be above foot level. Your sheep know their stuff. Horses and deer grew long necks and look upwards to browse trees.
Since my sheep are never fed off the floor, indoors or out, as it is very bad practice, I think they were were maybe just testing out the straw!
I am simple minded. I thought sheep ate grass. I had no idea you fed them. And our yard now feeds the horses hay off the floor. No more nets. There are complicated reasons why it is now thought good for horses.
Teeth is one of the main reasons haynets, are not good for horses as the weight of the jaw in the right place plays a huge part in correct tooth occlusion while chewing. Horses are grazers not browsers, so it's unnatural for a horse to feed from trees. Their neck and top line ad jaw rely on grazing

Listeria, botulism and other nasties are the main reason sheep are not fed from the floor.