

New Member
Sep 11, 2001
Brisbane Australia
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Ok, well here's my problem. I want to put my mare in foal and it is possible but I was wondering whether once the foal was born is it OK to put the foal and mother in with other horses. What does everyone think?

My uncle said it was fine but I just wanted to know what others thought.

In the wild I guess it has to be OK but is it a good idea?

thanks in advance

If the horses are already known to each other it should be fine, but I would hesitate about putting them in with a new group as in the kicking and squabbling that goes on while they sort out the herd heirachy the mare & foal could get hurt. If it's her first foal she's likely to be very foal proud and protective.

In the wild the mare would have been with the same group all through pregnancy and would have the foal nearby, joining the herd again within an hour or so. It would then be accepted straight away.

Hope that helps!

As long as she is either with other brood mares when she foal or with maybe one friend she'll be fine.

I have found that other horses are SO curious they can get in they way of the bonding process, so if they are not in an established herd let her foal on her own or with one female friend. Once the foal is up and running I'd introduce them slowly from behind a fence to start with until the novelty wears off. They can get a bit over excited at the prospect of a new foal.