Dublin Empress Jacket


New Member
Oct 19, 2008
Surrey/South London borders
Just want to completely recommend this jacket to anyone looking for something very warm and waterproof!

So far had only worn this in a shower and in the cold, so had yet to test its true rain-protecting ability. Well tonight I (stupidly) went to a friend's party in Clapham. Didn't have a lot on and it was POURING with rain, so decided to chuck my 'horsey coat' on as it seemed the most sensible idea.

We walked for 20 mins from the station to his flat in torrential rain, and at one point a truly evil bus zoomed through a huge puddle right next to me and I was covered in water! Like a dirty mingy tidal wave :mad: Upon arriving at the flat, I removed my coat to find I was completely dry and very warm everywhere the coat had covered! Not even slightly damp! Even better, I chucked it over a door to dry out and by the time we left 3 hours later it was almost completely dry!

I have also ridden in this and it has a popper at the back, so is very roomy and comfy for riding in. It also has about a zillion pockets for your phone, tissues, pony treats etc. I got mine for just under £40, so it is truly a fantastic bargain - you can pay a lot more for Musto and such but I would have this any day!
I totally agree. The equestrian team at my college just puchased a bunch of these to be our new team jackets. About two weekends ago we were at a 2 day show where the wind didn't stop howling and the temp didn't get above freezing the entire weekend. I'm not going to say I was warm, but I'm pretty sure I would have frozen if I hadn't had this coat.
Totally agree too!!!! I bought one at YHL, wore is on the day as it was very cold and windy when outside.

Can't recommended to enough, really keeps the cold and wind out but I don't get too hot in it either! Excellent for walking to dog as well as riding!

It's so good, I'm even thinking of getting another one in another colour!!:D:eek: