can sugar beet be kept??


horsey and happy
Jul 21, 2000
Ware (in Hertfordshire)
bit confused i have to normal sugar beet i soak it for 24 hours before feeding, but after this how long can it be kept for.
i feed my horse in the field and so the sugar beet is soaked for a whole week at a time, and then i refill it on a sunday and start using this on the monday!!
but i have been told you have to use it from the 24 hours after but no longer than something like 48 hours
could someone please tell me whats right???
I would only use it for 2-3 days max. You will know when it's off as the smell changes from a sweet smell to a fermented sort of smell :mad:

Try making up smaller amounts more often that way it gets used up quicker, I make up enough for about 2 days and that works out just fine :D

Also when the weather is milder it goes off quicker!
Hi Ive just got a new beet its called speedy beet and only takes 10mins to soak with cold water and only 2mins with boiling, so you can make it up as you need it I do mine as sooon as I get to the stables,do my haynets etc by the time ive done this the beet is ready.(its by badminton feeds and is unmollsessed so can be fed to laminitic horses)Normal beet goes a bit gooey and smells a bit,usually lasts about 3-4 days on cold weather not as long if the weather is warmer.
I'd prefer not to use it after 24 hours normally, maybe 48 hours at a push in an emergency if the weather was really cold. I'd never leave it longer than that. The last thing you want is things fermenting in the hindgut.