Yes to second time around


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2001
OMG being a beginner for the second time around is so much more fun.
All the stuff makes sense and a lot of things are just carved into memory and come back with just small reminders.
I'm loving it. My heart feels happier and my body feels younger.
I loved my DJ and I didn't mind caring for him all these years without the benefit of riding.
But I forgot how good riding was for body and soul.
And I'm cheating of course. I'm doing Western which seems easy peasy but still has the same elements and I can add them.
So glad you are having fun, and I hope it's not long before you and Smokey can ride together.

I've only done a little Western riding, but from what I did I think the cues/aids are different? I remember one ride where the horse kept offering trot and I realised eventually that it was because I was trying to get comfortable in the saddle and leaned back = cue for trot!