wintec 500 cair GP


New Member
Just bought one today, after my thorowgood (medium) bought in August dosent fit anymore, shes gone ffrom a medium to a wide, overall it fits well likethe appearnce of it and especially like the changeable gullets hopefully wont be buying another saddle in 3 months time
Whats the verdict on these???? for those that have them
I have the Wintec Cair dressage saddle and love it - also bought the different gullets but was lucky that Rusty fit perfectly the one it came with.
the pony i had my 500 on went well in it and i'd no problems. Sadly it doesn't fit either of my current horses. SHould i have a horse that wintecs fitted, i'd defo have another one.
Well just rode for an hour in it, the verdict I love it, so comfortable, fitted the mare great and she actually felt better to ride
I don't have the 500 cair but I do have a vsd with cair and I have been riding one of mine in it for about 6 years complaints..from me or my horse.:)The only thing I didn't like were the girth straps and I had those changed for leather ones by a saddler.