Training exercises for young horse


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2004
Has anyone got any good training/schooling exercises I can use with D? She's w/t in a natural outline, with rein changes/serpentines, some canter on both reins but not brilliant (but good for what little we have actually done!). She leg yields in w/c in a straight line and on a circle. Can do a decent turn on the haunches/forehand.

I tend to include some tear drops, and shallow loops and plenty of transitions too. Just looking for anything extra or anything better to add in?
Poles on the ground like a maze to get her supple and using her back end, trotting poles (flat on the floor), zig zags down the centre line (leg yield to the left,three strides, sto, leg yield to the right,six strides, leg yield to the left again for six strides and so on) til you get to C. If you're not already doing it bring in some desensitising too like tarpaulins on the ground. It sounds like you're doing well already to me. How old is she?
She's 4, not had a saddle all winter so was backed last summer then turned away. I must admit to not having used any tarps, but she has seen my water tray. She can also manage a trec S-bend, walked over a rubber matting 'footbridge' and has done trec low branches. I like the idea of the tarp and the other exercises. I'll have a play tomorrow.
Shoulder fore?
I like the idea of zigzags. Mine doesnt leg yield and she us nearly seven.