Tally up another fall!


Woody Be Mine
Aug 5, 2003
Just had my 11th fall :eek:

YO suggested that I rode one of the livery owner's horses, as he barely gets worked. Fine, fine, no problems with that.

Get on the rather large and scruffy cob, Walk him from the mounting block to the school. Little pony who is let loose on the farm in the afternoons comes FLYING round the corner from behind me, sets off the cob who bolts off with me, takes the bits in his teeth and BUH BYE! Puts his head between his knees and bucks like a blooming bronco :rolleyes: I sat the first three or four by hanging on for dear life, but a particularly unseating one had me hanging on his neck like a monkey O___o. A final buck then had me on the floor, chest first :eek:

i CAN ride...honest....