Tali colicked last night! And help with new bedding...


i'd rather be riding.
Jul 10, 2001
Petersfield, Hants., UK
Fortunately only mild colic, but it means drastic changes to our care routine. The vet reckons her taste for straw has caused a slight impaction which caused it, together with a bit of spasmodic colic. She's on the mend, with bran mashes to 'cleanse her system' and reduced hay for a day or two.

But - we need to change her bedding. She is on straw, which she eats like anything. I'll put it half a bale fresh and it'll be gone in 2 days. My YO is being a stereotypical YO and not letting anyone else use shavings (well, she's said that if anyone else uses them, they wont be able to dispose of them on her land, effectively stopping anyone else from using shavings) so hemp was suggested to me by another livery. Ive done a couple of internet searches, and havent found much. Is hemp only available as Aubiose or Hemcore? How much is it per bale? Anyone use it already? Is it OK to put it on a straw muck heap?

Glad to hear she's on the mend ;)

Aubiose is great! If you buy it in bulk they tend to give a discount. Maybe I'm way off but £6 a bale sounds familiar to me.
that is terrible!

it scares me so much when horses colic! that must of been so scary for you!!!!!!!! i am very happy to hear it was only mild and that she is on the verge of getting better! good luck and tell you horse to get better!:D