Taken for a Ride (no pun intended:(


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Apr 27, 2003
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Hi everyone - at even my great age, I've just discovered one of the people I trusted most in the horsey environment, has been a bit economical with the truth, and has left me feeling foolish and stupid!

Not really on here to rant, just to state how ridiculous I now feel, but if anyone wants to PM me, and won't pass it on if you know who I am, please do? My husband says I'm TOO honest, and that's why I always fall foul of people who are not, and should be more like the rest of the crowd. Maybe he is right, I really don't know any more. Is it a crime to be honest? I don't mean the little white ones when a friend asks if you like her new hairstyle - it would be too cruel to say no outright.

Its gutting when people do that to you.

It has been done to me time and time again and I still dont learn.

You cant help it if your nature is to be honest and thoughtful and unfortunately people take advantage of that.

Nikki xxxx
To be honest... Honest in my eyes is the best way. I cant lie for hell and you have to remember them all which i cant do anyhow. I been honest all the time and many people don't like what there hear but thats there problem.

Stay honest because end of the day you gain some sort respect for it! and well I with I was more honest with the last people i had to deal with like shamrock owners! Tho Life can be a pain but you past though it :)

i know exactly how you feel,
its done to me time and time again to :confused:

dont let it get to you though, feel good that your a better human being , trustworthy and honest ;)

but dont lose the faith, not every one is like that :)
I'm sorry you've been let down by someone you trusted. I've read your posts and have been struck by what a nice person you are. Actually named you in a recent thread as the NR I admired for this reason and the fact that you take so much trouble with your horses well being.Its one of the snags of being a decent person is that you expect others to be decent too. Just put it down to experience and carry on the same.(Alternatively, get a picture of the person and chuck darts at it :D )
I am astonished every time it happens to me :confused:

I don't know why some people find it so easy to be deceitful...I'm very much a WYSIWYG type of person and always take people at face value but sometimes am dissappointed :confused:

I find that often there is no real reason or obvious gain from some folks' inability to be straight but I'm a big believer in Karma and that normally sorts the balance in the end.....just wish I just trusted in it instead of stressing about what some people do...I'd conserve a lot of mental energy :rolleyes:
its happened to me time and time and time again, I even moved yards over it. I hate two faced people, and like you, I also believe in Karma, what goes around comes around.

(((big hugs)))
I know just how you feel. Its very hard, but you have to rise above it & pretend it hasn't happened.
Its very hard to get over it when you find out someone you trusted & respected is actually not worthy of such.
Please don't let it change you. Being an honest & reliable person is still a very respected thing to be & people will admire you for it.:)
I think people like to invent stories about their lives and have happy endings and show themselves in a good light - so they spin different stories with whoever they are with at the time. They want to be the star of their own stories.
When it comes to riding teachers, one has to differentiate between the things you pay them for - riding skills which can be validated - riding that is effective with the horses one rides, and the things that cant be validated at all.
If the riding is good, one has to turn a blind eye to their fantasy stuff.

I particularly dislike being told how badly another client or rider from NR has ridden, because though it is intended to make me feel flattered, you can bet your bottom dollar that the same person will be telling someone else how useless I am.
If this is what has happened to your Roseanne, I am sorry.
But the great thing about horses, is that they dont get swayed by what people say - either good or bad. They react to what we do, with them and on that particular day.