Swollen face


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Sunny Hunny
One of our ponies has a swollen face which is bleeding in the middle and now yellow mucus is coming out of it. We think it may have started with a kick from another horse in the field and got infected but were not sure we have been bathing it with warm water and putting sudocrem on it to avoid irritation but It doesnt seem to be getting any better.
Anyone have this problem?
It could possibly be the result of a tooth abscess that has burst if it is on the side of the face anywhere. Another possibility is sinus problems.Yellow pus is infection and when there is infection you need to treat it quickly and obviously the sudocrem is not working. You need this pony to see a vet and sooner rather than later.
Could it be a bite? we normally hibicrub and apply a wound cream for a few days, but this sounds infected it, if not going down then would get vet to look may need anti biotics to clear it...
Pus makes me think antibiotics might be needed.
How big is the swelling? Where exactly is it located? Could be anything, but it sounds like it needs proper treatment, and quickly!

Infections anywhere, but even more so in the facial area, can go horribly wrong very very quickly.
Sorry to hear the pony's not well :( I would agree 100% with Soot and get the vet out to check as soon as possible. If antibiotics are required then the sooner the better.