Standing still in the line up



When I've taken Toby to a show, in the first class he'll stand square and still as a rock. However, as the day goes on and we do a few more classes, he becomes fidgety in the line up, headshaking and being a general bugger. Hence we get marked down.
How can I keep him busy in the line up? He'll stand still at home, out hacking ect.
I play with the bit in his mouth but this just makes him fidget even more.
Tack, back & teeth are all fine he just gets bored! Once he gets moving you couldn't ask for a better horse.
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If he is bored, there is nothing you can do to de-bore him in a show ring really. Just enter less classes :)
ditto, hes saying come on i've done enough for today.

pick your classes wisely ;)

could also be that he needs a wee, thats what happens to Hal because he only pees when hes in a stable.
what bit does he have??
try and get the same bit but a copper one? apparently they tike the taste of it ans play their tongue on it which will keep him busy???

could also be that he needs a wee, thats what happens to Hal because he only pees when hes in a stable
Thats my boy too, he will get more and more tempremental and fidgety, as soon as he is taken in a stable, big wee and he chills out again. I only really notice it at shows because at home I rarely have him out/doing stuff for more than a few hours and he can wait that long!....mostly :D