Sleeveless showing shirts


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2007
East Yorkshire
This is something that I am debating about. I have seen a really nice sleeveless showing shirt in the sale. However I have.. quite a number of scars on my upper arms.
Would that be a issue?
I don’t see why it would be, you’d have a jacket on for the actual class, unless you don’t want people seeing the scars in between classes.
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Sleeveless is good - you could always throw on a lightweight top between classes if you'd rather cover up.
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When you ask “would that be an issue” I wonder who you are referring to? It is an issue for you if others see the scars? Are you worried you may be judged? Personally I see no reason to cover them, they are part of you so why should you hide them? Perhaps there is even a part of you that wants others to see them?
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As others have said you'd wear a jacket for the class anyway so the only issue is whether or not you're comfortable with people seeing scars.