Saddles and Back Problems your experiences, and survey, for thesis....please be kind


New Member
Jul 13, 2009
As my final year thesis of my Equine Science degree i decided to research possible causes of back problems in horses with specific reference to saddle fit....or lack of it! The survey is completely anonymous and the questions are not designed to make owners feel bad if they answer no to some of the questions it is simply to gather information to gain a picture of practices amongst the equestrian community in terms of back care. i would really appreciate any experiences or views as to anything you feel is a contributory factor to the instance of bad backs that is often overlooked.

Please make sure you complete both parts of the questionnaire else your results will not be viable.
if you have more than 4 horses please just fill in with 4 in mind and make sure horse 1 is horse 1 throughout to be consistent.

Lots of Rose wine or alternative tipple for anybody getting this far!

many many thanks to everyone in advance!


Survey Part I

Survey Part II
thank you guys i'll post up what i have found when i have completed it all so any of you that are interested can see..
thanks once again
thanks everyone, the results are mounting up more peope are filling in than are posting so got a fair few to work with now but the more i get the better, less can be put down to chance! really appreciate your time and i'll be sure to let you know how it all turns out! Jess