Q for Saddlers re Balance/Point straps.


New Member
Hi there.

A quick question for all of you fantastic saddlers. Can you add point or balance straps to a saddle, even if they don't have the webbing already there to attach them to??
The reason I ask, is I have just bought a fantastic saddle for an Arab, I have a feeling that it will probably benefit from having these straps, to stop it sliding all over the place.
And just wanted to know if this was possible before I ask my saddler.:eek:

Thanks in advance.:D
Thats fantastic. Thanks Wally. I knew one of you would be able to help:)

I am right in thinking that it would be a good idea to have a point strap at least though aren't I. The saddle this Arab has at present is forever slipping forward up his shoulder:(

One other quick thing. Is it expensive to have this done??
Have you had a saddler out to check the fit of the saddle? IMO if the saddle moves forward, then it isnt fitting right, a balance strap will only mask the problem.
Yes you can but Wally beat me to it!
No, not that expensive either.
Oz :)

You BOTH beat me to it! ;) That was one of my 'favourite' jobs.... I would get a little note left on a 'post-it' thingy on the PC screen - "If you're not too busy, can you point strap all the saddles on the racks please". I'd look and there'd be LOADS of them! :)