Ooh... I also forgot to tell you....


Retired cob mum
Jul 31, 2005
I don't look after Treacle any more. Treacle is a little grey (white!) Welsh A, who is in her 20's and we first met when I rented a little fieldspace about 4 years ago. I took Treacle under my wing and when I gave up the field it was me that suggested that her owner approach the former tenant of the yard I now rent to see if she could move Treacle there before the lease ran out.

So when said former tenant (and friend at the time) moved house and contacted me to see if I wanted to take over the tenancy of the yard where I am still at now, my boys were reunited with Treacle again. I took back over Treacle's care - feeding her in the winter, arranging trimming when necessary (owner paid but didn't turn up), worming, poo-picking etc. Treacle's owner took liberties and only came to see her pony about twice a year - which was fine as I didn't really like her that much anyway - but back at the end of last year, I decided enough was enough and with my four, I didn't really want to be feeding and poo-picking for a fifth so I contacted her owner to give her a month's "notice". Well.... said owner went RIGHT on the turn.... for a church-going woman, I was surprised a the insults that were flung at me from text and email! Suddenly, she became the most conscientious and attentive owner on the planet :mad:... in writing, not physically, of course!!! I told Mr YO how upset I was, how I didn't look forward to visiting the yard any more in case I bumped into this horrible woman and he very kindly said that he'd give her notice. She then refused to leave for a couple of months and went on the turn with Mr and Mrs YO as well!!! (Which kind of made me feel vindicated as I was worried they thought I was over-dramatising things just to get rid of her)

In the end Treacle has been moved round to a small pen in one of YO's fields .... waaaaaay away from me - and they keep an eye on the care she gives her pony, which is sadly lacking at times! Not the pony's fault.

So I have my yard all to myself now :)
Gosh some folk really are awful. Poor pone - still, if YO is keeping an eye out what can you do? It isn't right when people take advantage, which it sounds like she was.
Oh I forgot to say that she "paid" me two small bales of hay a week, which was handy .... but she never bought any hay for her own pony so it didn't last long between the five of them in the depths of winter! :rolleyes: