oh no, am i turning into ' one of these people '??


Well-Known Member
rode out with friends from the yard today I don't often (if ever) ride with. one is very much a novice (but stopped lessons etc) and has a young cob. i ended up ... *gulp* ... both trying to give advice and commenting on things :redface: now i feel a bit bad because I really didnt want to spoil his ride with 'why the single jointed hanging cheek? he's only 4, does her need this? he doesn't look too happy in that ...', the 'you really shouldnt ride in trainers, it's not safe' and ..'do you know how to hold reins, it goes before the little finger' and 'dont stop in the middle of the road to tighten your girth, there's cars coming' .... (all in a friendly fashion i hasten to add)

:( i was only trying to help but i have a feeling he wont want to ride out with me again now :(

oops ... i usually stay out of other people's 'business' ...

does your mouth ever run away with you and then you wish you hadnt said anything at all?


ps: on the plus side appley (at 5 years old!) ended up 'babysitting' the other two 4 and 5 year old much bigger horses :mstickle:
Well, it all sounds like good advice, Julia. So they probably think of you as 'knowledgable' rather than a 'know-it-all'....
Yeah I think it sounds like good advice too! I wouldn't think you were sticking your nose in or giving unwanted advice - I'd be glad as I wish people had told me more then I wouldn't have made so many mistakes!!!
Yes this ^^^
My mouth doesnt really have a habit of running away with me but it does seem to say things wrong and out of context, I sound quite offensive when I have not got a conforntational bone in my body - complete whoosey
@ dizzy woo - exactly, same here! worried i may have sounded a tad uhm stern (which i really am not!) :ninja:

Aparently I can sound really grumpy and rude. I have recently been given a fantastic oportunity at work to set up a training programme with a highy respected and published man. I thought I had everyone I knews phone number in my mobile but he called me the other day and as it didnt say who it was I answered in what I thought was a cagey manner, my daughter however, seaid I just sounded so rude and gruff. I would never dream of talking to someone so respected like that, what must he think :unsure:
Doing the girth up in the middle of the road would get a mention from me yes.

The rest probably not, i have seen lots of experienced riders in trainers and wellies.
I would also have commented on being in the middle of the road doing the girth up! But only because that is a basic safety issue that might put other road users (and me on my horse!) at risk.

Anything else, absolutely not........unless asked directly for help or advice I would never give it....even then I am reluctant TBH. I am not their instructor so it really isnt any of my business how they ride.:unsure:
I personally think you were absolutely right. A novice riding in trainers is just silly, and if you are riding out with them, ultimately if something happens, you have a responsibility to the more novice person. Tightening your girth in the middle of the road is silly, and just common sense to do it before you get onto a road.

Everyone has to learn, and if I respected someone I would be only too pleased to hear their advice. They have the choice to take it or leave it really.
@ cortrasna - with you on that :) i usually dont comment on people's styles either (eg. my riding isn't great either!), it just came out as i was a leetle worried about safety, both the other person's and my own eg. having no control at all over the horse, if anything goes wrong, said horse could set off everyone else's, too ...:redface: may have freaked a little.
Personally, I wouldn't have hacked with them in the first place. They sound dangerous.

If I did decide to hack with them, I would have made them put proper boots on and would have screamed that them for doing their girth up in the road. I also would have asked them to hold the reins properly - we do this for a reason after all.

At the end of the day, they could have compromised your safety so you were perfectly justified in saying what you did.
@ cortrasna - with you on that :) i usually dont comment on people's styles either (eg. my riding isn't great either!), it just came out as i was a leetle worried about safety, both the other person's and my own eg. having no control at all over the horse, if anything goes wrong, said horse could set off everyone else's, too ...:redface: may have freaked a little.

Well yes of course, if I felt that their incompetence was a safety issue...then I would be right in there being gobby and bossy!:giggle: That is a different thing altogether.....but as a very old and 'slung on a horse and get on with it' type of rider......most new riders probably know more than I do anyway!:bounce:
ecck humm argg do I comment Oh my take...

I would have commented about the road and girth thing yeap that is just dangerous. But as for trainers I don't see a huge issue with this as a lot of the new style boots that look like trainers think WW ones. As for choice of bit that is their choice as it how they hold the reins. western rides hold the reins differently it does not stop them or make them dangerous.

So sorry unless they asked me I would not have said a word. Just because a horse is big does not mean that it is bold a lot of the larger breeds do not mature until 6-7 so at 4-5 they are still very young in the head.

Sorry to not agree runs and hides now