My lesson diary 2017...

First lesson back after losing Mr Chev. Didn't really want to go but was railroaded into it by Mad John! So off I went, bag of nerves, first lesson in about two and a half weeks.

I was back on little cob mare again. And she has a new bit, a loose ring rubber snaffle. What a difference! She was so much lighter in the hand, and so much easier to work into an outline. It was the first time she'd been ridden in it and we both loved it.

We did walk, trot, and a small pole. And she went like a dream. We did leg yielding, quarters in, turns on the forehand and the 'zigzag down the centre line' exercise (enter centre line, turn on the forehand 45 degrees to the right. Walk forwards, turn on the forehand 45 degrees to the left, walk forwards. Turn on the forehand 45 degrees to the right again, walk forwards... repeat until at the end of the centre line).

RI suggested that we canter, but I'm afraid I was too chicken for that. But we did do the pole at least!

All in all she said I rode really well (like I was on a mission is how she put it) and it was a good lesson. She had me holding the neck strap because my hands are still very shaky and we were both a bit worried that I might jab mare in the mouth inadvertently, but that helped steady them. I can't take all the credit for how well mare went, I think it was due in part at least to the change of bit, but it felt great.

And RI gave me a big hug at the end... I am lucky to have found her, that's for sure!
Sounds great. This little cob sounds just like my Ben. Do keep up your riding lessons. I know life is hard right now but horses are the best therapy.
Well done! Really glad you've got back on board. Totally understandable if you weren't up to it but, like mary p said, horses are the best therapy. And the little cob mare sounds a darling.
Very glad to read this Chev - not just glad for your sake but for my own. Reading about your lessons has become a habit and encouragement to me.
Oh I am glad you got back on board. I know when I have bad times I don't want to ride, but it's just the best thing for me. Well done!
It is nothing like your situation Chev - but just me feeling old and the winter. I havent been riding a couple of weeks as I and OH caught bugs. Plus Grace was off work and the RI who taught me to ride her left at short notice. Will follow your example and get back on a horse.
Today's lesson... (well, yesterday's now!)

Rode my little cob mare again. She was harder to get into an outline but we got there in the end, with some lovely work in both walk and trot, which makes a change since she normally pokes her nose in trot.

We did some work on straight lines, coming down the 3/4 line and then yielding back to the track. Oh dear Lord. They started off wobbly to say the least. (Like a drunken tart on a night out in Holyhead, is how RI put it! I love that woman) Part of the problem was I was getting her straight and then relaxing and taking my leg off, which allowed her to wander. Once I started keeping my leg on and riding her forward onto the bit I was able to keep her straighter, and we had some fairly good leg yields too.

RI also said, when I asked if I was still behind the movement, that it wasn't too bad at the moment, which also pleased me.

I rode for half an hour straight with no breaks. RI said I'm getting much fitter - usually I need a breather half way through - although I think the weight coming off has helped that. (Ive lost 1.5 stone in three weeks. Stress :( ). The new Lighter Me is probably easier for mare to carry too, which probably contributes to her better way of going.

So... things to work on this week - riding forward onto straight lines, and still need to keep up with the movement better (not bad is not good enough!)

It looks like I'll only be able to afford lessons once a week and I have no horse at home to ride now so I'm going to have to work hard to improve now.

Bring it on! :D
Taking a break from lessons (well, horses generally) to get my head together again.

I'm sure this is the right thing for you at this current moment but I do look forward to you coming back as soon as you feel ready..........:(...........Come on Chev get up and fight back;););)
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