jelly (the party food stuuf)

I've never heard of the jelly one but apparently organic yogurt (any flavour but generally plain) helps with the coat condition.
Also heard that natural yoghurt is good for stress in horses. I did try this on Rhi but she did not like the yoghurt.

This is something I've wondered about, milk products....discuss.... Why should an adlut horse be able to digest, or make use of milk products in any way?
Cows milk more to the point, which is far too rich in fat and will do a foal no good let alone an adult horse!!

Most horses by the age of 9 months cannot digest milk as their digestive system no longer produces the enzyme needed to digest milk!

Pro-biotics in the correct balance and flora for horses I can see the benefit of! but fermented cows milk products with a baccillus alien to the horse's gut?

But having said all this there is nothing my old horse likes more than a bucket, yes a black water bucket full of milk! not just any old milk but Jersey cow's milk!! 5% milk fat, he's 28 and far beyond the age where his guts should be able to cope with it. But he will move heaven and Earth fo this and drain it in a onener! He has never suffered from this over indulgence and quite clearly loves it. In the old days in Iceland, if a horse was to go on a long trip they would give the horse a bucket of milk, which the horses really enjoyed, but this is not a natural food and the gut of an adlut herbivore should not be able to cope with it, but clearly they do!! Even my vet was a bit baffled and thought it would enduce stomach upsets!
hmm, jelly


NOt so sure about whether that would be a good idea. Jelly is made from gelatin whichi s made from boiling up beef bones. I really don't like the idea of feeding any animal product to a herbivore which is why I feed my horse Allan and Page feeds as they are guarenteed animal product free.

I know feed horses things like graina nd oil is 'unnatural' as they wouldn't eat them in the diet, but at least they are still vegetable based like grass. I just don't like the idea of feeding meat to my horse.

So there you go. Sorry,this is soemthing I belive stongly in (despite being a carnivore myself, hmm, nothing like being a hypocrit is there!)

isnt it the same with cod liver oil, that comes from animals everyone pays loads of it from the tack/feem mercents. when you can buy sun and veg oil really cheap in the shops
I don't feed cod liver oil to horses, I use Veg oil, same calorific value, same effect but plant based, horses arn't known for their fishing ability, so it seems natural to me to use a veg based material whenever possible, speaking of being a hypocrit, I havn't tried my horse on soya milk, he probably wouldn't thank me for it. By the way he also loves a washing up bowl of tea, no sugar, milk of course!
I'm a great beleiver in linseed jelly! Wonderful stuff!
On the subject of Oil what about Olive Oil. It comes from a plant.

By heck youv'e got expensive tastes!! Ordinary Veg iol is as good as anything. Olive oil would probably do, but what a price!!