Is it safe to feed her sugar beet?


Active Member
Jan 25, 2004
Okay not to sound obsessed by sugar beet or anything (this is my 2nd thread about it) is it okay to feed to laminitics? (the sugar free versions)
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I think the best info I ever found in regards to sugar beet is by Susan Garlinghouse, DVM:
Beet pulp is the by-product resulting from the extraction of simple sugars in the manufacture of table sugar. Extraction processes being as efficient as they are, the remaining pulp has little or no sucrose (table sugar) left in it and in fact, many feed manufacturers will add varying amounts of molasses to increase the palatability and reduce pulp dust. Although many horse owners are concerned about feeding "too much sugar" in the form of molasses, 5% in ten pounds of beet pulp is equivalent to only 86 grams of simple sugars-about the same as that contained in a few apples.

Here's the web link
i recommend changing gradually to a sugarbeet like speedibeet, which is laminitis trust-approved and only 5% sugar content, over a period of 7-10 days.
Having gone through laminitis, I wouldn't wish it upon any horse. If you know she is had it in the past and is likely to be more susceptible then I would switch over to speedibeet, just the same but without the mollasses. Better safe than sorry :)