I had to click on the advert because-chickens


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2008
I don't know anything about chickens, this got my attention.
Is this a genuine thing people buy?

Oh dear. Poor chickens. Could it be for chickens in those awful cages? Or maybe not, I remember jane and ziggy on here knitting an anti peck device for hers (and I'm pretty sure she doesn't run a battery hen farm!).
I would say that's probably a genuine ad. Just goes to show how random the ads that pop up are!

I just wish the gross bowel one would go away. It's really horrible. The look of it is just vom.
So it's to help them not to peck themselves or other chickens?
Adverts are random, but I have been looking at fencing things and looked at something that then said ?
Now clicked on this so Google thinks I have chickens!
I like chickens, but we don't have any.
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I think it might be to stop both things? Pecking the others and themselves. Not entirely sure. I like chickens too. Not sure how they'd cope with six kitties though. Maybe they'd give them the run around - I'd probably be surprised. Am sure Wally on here had chickens and cats.
I think it might be to stop both things? Pecking the others and themselves. Not entirely sure. I like chickens too. Not sure how they'd cope with six kitties though. Maybe they'd give them the run around - I'd probably be surprised. Am sure Wally on here had chickens and cats.
I wouldn’t like to try putting one of those things on any of my chickens, the Leghorns especially!
My chickens are completely free range, and are good friends with my 4 cats. A couple of the cats have been known to sleep overnight in one of the coops. A cat sitting outside the feeding area is a welcome starling deterrent!
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I wouldn’t like to try putting one of those things on any of my chickens, the Leghorns especially!
My chickens are completely free range, and are good friends with my 4 cats. A couple of the cats have been known to sleep overnight in one of the coops. A cat sitting outside the feeding area is a welcome starling deterrent!

Do the starlings pinch the chickens food? That's good to hear the cats get along with the chickens though. I could be tempted................
When i had mine we had terrible trouble with the crows, they pinched the food then they learned to go into the hen house and pinch the eggs from the nest boxes.

I remember jane knitting an anti pecking hood but i think it came up small and she was going to knit a new one. I didnt hear the outcome of it working.

Not sure id like that thing attached to my chickens but if it was a short term measure then im afraid anything goes, so maybe i would. Theres nothing worse than seeing a hen with its feathers missing and having its bottom pecked at contiously.

Mine were semi free range. I had them in a grass paddock with electric netting round but one was clearly not happy and went round pecking. They will pick on the weakest ones. Once one starts you usually find others copy the habit. They will peck the weakest to death if its not stopped quick enough.

You do get more pecking in the battery hen cages.
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Do the starlings pinch the chickens food? That's good to hear the cats get along with the chickens though. I could be tempted................
The starlings line up on the fence at the time I go up to feed the chickens! Some are cheeky enough to go into the shed. One starling roosted with the hens all last winter. The starlings cannot operate the treadle feeder though, so just pick up the leavings from the scatter food. The rock doves may have worked out the treadle, but there are not so many of them.
Yes, go for it. Chickens are great fun, and have individual personalities. And, of course, there are the yummy eggs!
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Everyone should have chooks. They are not much trouble and the eggs are delicious. But they are not nice creatures, really. They will go for a weak or timid chicken and you really don't want to watch them if an unlucky frog or mouse falls into their clutches.

I think those anti peck goggles are for real, and are to prevent chickens damaging other chickens as happens when there are changes in the flock or not enough space.
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I've had very limited chicken experience. I looked after my neighbours chickens a few times, collecting eggs and they were fine. But it was very brief and I never got chance to really observe them.
I like bantams, but I have noticed pheasants here.
I saved a crow the other day, caught up in next doors fencing. But I am not really a bird person I guess.
I like bantams, but I have noticed pheasants here.
I saved a crow the other day, caught up in next doors fencing. But I am not really a bird person I guess.

Aw I love crows! I had a pet one that my neighbour rescued. He was super. Very friendly and entertaining. I don't like seeing them trapped. Where we used to live they had the larcen cages with a live one as bait. Horrible.
Chickens are easy to look after if youve only got a few. The biggest thing for me was popping out in the morning to open them and shutting them up at night. It a responsibility. Obviously as the daylight changes over the season so does the opening closing time. I just mucked out once a week. The worst thing was in the hot weather dealing with the red mites.

My last 2 the fox had. Well it was most likely the fox, but i did wonder about next doors two cats might have been responsible.

I want to get another 3, but ive got to buy some new electric netting to keep them safe. The hen house also needs a new felt roof. Havent looked in it recently so the floor might be rotten now.

A friend of mine use to go away and i used to go and open and close theres up. I wasnt a fan as although they had a run for the hens to scratch about in, it was a bit small. So i also found there hens a bit aggresive. I like mine to have a resonable scratch area.
We have a door opener and closer for our chooks' Eglu. It is a life saver, especially at this time of year.

We've lost at least 4 chickens to the fox. Our current girls live in their (capacious) coop and only come out for a stroll when we can watch them!