How much can you tell about a horse from just looking at them?


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2008
Fun thread
Came about because someone happened to comment that mine looks like a typical plod. Yes she is on her own, but in company at a fast pace you are a typical passenger. :D Not sure what one of those is, but we sure were the other day!

So do people form an impression about a horse in this way by its look alone? If it's going to be an easy ride, lazy etc. Or is more that the cob type is just viewed as weight carrying and lazy, which they are neither.
Well one of the eventers on the yard has been having a holiday since the end of last season and recently been brought back into work. Honestly I did wonder if she was ok because she always seemed to be asleep when I saw her, but today she was ridden and for the first time since last year they put up a jump for her. You would not have believed she was the same horse - she was practically skipping round the school and talk about 'ping' over the jump, she would have pinged me right out of the saddle I tell you. You definitely wouldn't have seen that looking at her beforehand!
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Also, people often assume Raf will be a real hot head, because he's an Arab, and because he 'flounces' and parades around the place with his head and tail in the air. But in reality to ride he's rather lazy (unless it's something he really wants to do of course) and will absolutely not bolt off with you, even if spooked. He's probably about as safe as you can get, barring encounters with tractors and wagons unfortunately :rolleyes:
I think that many people quite wrongly stereotype horses depending on breed, most people assume cobs and heavies are all lazy plods and warm bloods are all crazy fizzy hard to handle horses.
I can only tell what Belle will be like just from looking at her but that is because I know her inside out now, I can tell if we are going to get a plod or a whiz bang ride as soon as I arrive at the yard but I could never tell just by looking what any other horse would be like.
Every when they first see my horse thinks hes some mentally insane dangerous beast! He hates strangers so anyone new or anyone he doesnt see regularly and it has him flying round the field and jumping in the air... But he's usually a total plod, then my mums cob mare who to see in the field ud think was a total plod to ride is actually a fruit loop when ridden!

i think people do stereo type by breed, everyone assumes all cobs are ploddy and cant jump etc etc i know people with cobs that are like a rocket on a cross country course and then people with cobs like mine that dont really want to do anything apart from eat. Same with other breeds one person i know cannot leave her horse for more than a day without work or he explodes yet another friend has an ex race horse and another tb and they can be left for months and still be plods... All people are different all horses are different
People meeting Ziggy always comment that he looks kind, which he is. Then they say "Is he a Connie?" and I say yes, unpapered, and they say, "I bet he's a pocket rocket," and it's just based on the breed.
Mine is back to her old self today. Hacked out on our own.
She is thoughtful of her cargo if it's just us, possibly ;) Some branches were down and I knew we could fit if I ducked but I hasn't seen the brambles. 'Ow ow ow' and she just stopped. Not trained her to do that, she just always has done if I rustle.
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I think it's hard to tell what they will be like to ride. Lottie is very quiet on the ground with really good manners and is happy to potter about. She's also got a bit of bone so people might think she's quiet to ride but when I'm on her it's a different story, she's fast, forward and a jumping machine. I've met a few x racers who are lovely and a pleasure to ride when a lot of people automatically assume "crazy"

You know what they say, never judge a book by it's cover and I think this is true of not only people but horses too.
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One of our exracehorses is fondly refered to as 'slowmo' She is very laid back but as a 5yo who has raced no one expects it!
Love that. Did she come out as too slow or just wants a quiet life?
I know a few that just didn't want to keep up let alone overtake.
It's often assumed that Pete's going to be an easy, laidback plod ... !

Everyone is always suprised to hear his back story & then see him 'react' to something.

I figure it's a compliment :)
People are shocked mine can actually jump. In fairness she isn't built for it so pulling a cart would be the obvious thought.