Hi Everyone, quick update.......


New Member
Jul 14, 2007
Not been around much as tbh I have been very ill.

Started off with a cold, then Flu, I then gave up smoking and gave myself a Chest Infection which turned to Pleurisy, was on antibiotics for a week then penicillin for 10 days, haven't felt SO ILL for YEARS........ the last thing I felt like was coming on the internet although I did pop on a few times to see what was happening, but really all I wanted to do was SLEEP............

Even now a few weeks on I am not feeling great....believe it or not I got a
'B*llocking from the Doctor for giving up smoking' in the way I did as he said thats why I had been so ill !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't honestly say I have totally 'cracked it' and have had the occasional ciggie but I mean the 'occasional' one as opposed to my previous 20 a day habit ! I am well and truly fully on my way to becoming a non smoker after nearly 40 years ! The offered me Champex but to be honest I know I will do it anyway and really don't want any more medication, suprised I am not RATTLING already !

Anyway the Horses tbh were a little bit of a 'chore' almost as I felt so damn ill and apart from the checks, feeds etc., dragging myself down there everyday, they have been left pretty much to their own devices.

However, feeling a lot better now and things have changed much to their disgust. Sioned had one hell of a shock when put on the lunge the day before yesterday, so much so, she didn't play up ONCE.........lol and lunged like a true professional, she was then long reined and yesterday I got back on her..........she was angelic:wink:

Bert has stayed away, lol, as I suspect he realises the time of year has arrived when he also gets brought back into work, although to be honest Leilani sat on him about a month ago anyway, but Spring is about to arrive and the lungeing for his waistline will be starting again shortly.

Heathcliffe, lol, was totally confused by Sioned being lunged and even more confused by the fact I sat on her, he was following us, nose up her tail and couldn't make sense of any of it............kept standing in the way as well when she was being lunged until I chased him away, but then he thought I was playing and kept coming back:giggle:

So basically although not quite 100% I am much better, raring to get back into it and get Sioned well and truly 'going' this Spring and hacking out. Get Bert back into work and Leilani riding again and just let Heathcliffe grow and chill with a bit more handling thrown in for good measure.

The Kitties are HUGE lol and spend a lot of time 'riding' the Horses, its hilarious and they all seem very happy together..........except FOOD TIME when Sioned HATES them ALL, lol, but I suspect thats never gonna change:bounce:
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Awwww, bless you! That doesn't sound pleasant at all!!! make sure you look after yourself Mrs.

Can't wait to see lots of updated piccies and hear all about your adventures with your gang this year :biggrin:
It does sound like you have had a very rough time :frown: but glad you are on the mend now :yellowcarded: Well done at giving up smoking too :dance:

It's good that you have felt well enough to start working your horses again - let's hope we have a decent summer to get lots of riding done :biggrin:
Poor ol' you - what a crap time you've had - pleased that things are on the mend and you're raring to go. Good on you with the fags - although I envy you the odd ciggie - wouldn't it be great to be one of those people who could have a fag now and again without thinking that that more than one smoke in a row and you'd be back up to a pack a day (are they the Master Race?)? I haven't had a fag since November and still get the odd mo when I think "ooooh, could just have a fag and enjoy it right now!"

Can imagine Sioneds face - a bit like Boo's when I rode him in the field (cos' I'm a wimp) for the first time in 6 weeks the day before yesterday then yesterday persuaded my OH to come out as a foot soldier for an hour and a half yesterday. Both of the chaps were very good with only a bit of silly from Boo!

Anyway, glad things are on the up - long may they continue!
Sorry to hear you have been so unwell, but great news about the fags.

Clocks will be changing in a couple of weeks :skip: so everything will be so much easier to fit in.
What a horrible time you've had, and what a silly doctor to rebuke you. It is great that you are beginning to feel better and able to enjoy working the horses again - and of course reporting on NR.
Because everyone (like me) learns from owners like you.
Oh dear you really haven't been well!

The horses sound like such a fab trio!

Have they been doin the building work (or something like that?) I remember u posting about whether u should have temporarily moved or stayed etc?
Sorry to hear you have been so ill, but glad you are on the mend now. Look forward to further updates from you and the gang! :happy:
Crikey you don`t do things by halves do you !!!!!!

Good to hear you`re on the road to recovery and well done for quitting, i know how hard that is. Take care of yourself for a bit longer though, don`t go rushing back into to every thing, or you`ll end up knacked again :wink:
NR has NOT been the same without you, Kay!!! Welcome back and hope you continue to get better and better, sweetie xxx
Aw, lots of healing vibes - and lots of well done's for giving up the fags!lol. Tisn't easy I know! I thought it was strange without you on here - didn't know you'd been poorly. Do hope you are better soon, take it easy when you get chance (not easy with the horses!).
Lovely to hear from you Fairlady. Sorry you've been so poorly, and whatever your doctor says you are a STAR for giving up the demon nicotine :devil:.

More pix of Heathcliffe and his buddies soon please!
Aw thanks so much xxxxxxxxxxxx

As for the Building Work lol, will post some pictures :stomp:

I have stayed put and the Horses were fine with the JCB's going in and out, work started and was going to take a week :bounce: Needless to say 2.5 months on its not finished, BUT TBH i DIDN'T REALLY EXPECT ANYTHING ELSE:bounce: The workmen that did the initial work absolutely fell in love with the Horses and the 3 of them managed to persuade the workmen to share their lunch with them most days, lol. TBH they found it all fascinating and watched everything, they are so damn nosey its unbelievable, they used to run after the JCB's !!! However the workmen left when the snow came and they haven't reappeared as yet !!!

They pulled trees out etc., and the Landlord/Landlady have managed to find the time to come collect the logs for their firewood but haven't had the time to put the damn fencing BACK UP !!! My lot are fine however and kept in by Builders rubble, two huge piles of twigs waiting to be burnt and ELECTRIC FENCING:bounce:

I do have some photos of it all which I will put on in next few days but on Nights for the next 3 so don't really have time tonight.

Don't think we will be moving to new Yard until about June as we are hoping to get a cut from the grass and waiting for the stables to go up, at the moment although planning permission is thro' they have to send 'samples' of what the stables are to be built from, roofing to be used and full details of what hedgerow will be planted.............tis a little FRUSTRATING to say the least but hey ho !

I have spent the entire day at the Yard today and had a great time, hay delivery first thing and Blacksmith last thing this evening. All looking neatly trimmed and managed to have Heathcliffes feet looked at but he is coming back in a couple of weeks to give him his first trim:wink:

Have to go shower and change now and off to look after all the 'naughty people' lol.

Thanks again for your good wishes, will put pics on over w.end.

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