Food or Foal?


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2003
Suze demonstrated her 'parenting' skills this morning. They were coming up from the field for breakfast, Suze goes on her own, i lead foal. I missed clicking on foal's rope due to neat swerve - suze by this time is halfway to the barn.

Foal panics, run down the field bleating mummy mummy mummy, come mummy, help mummy.

Suze continues at a trot to the barn and her breakfast, doesn't break stride, doesn't even call to foal.

Foal regains composure, comes out of field and gallops to mum.

Moral of the, if it is a choice for a comtois between her foal and food, foal had better learn to care for itself.
It also shows us how the mum knows the difference between a genuine in trouble foal and i am scared about life and learning foal.