Flat Canter


New Member
Training tips for fast flat canter needed.

I have tried lunging with side reins and this seem to help a bit but to ride in canter most of the time it feels like i am riding a sack of spuds.

On the right rein she canters flat and fast untill she decides to stop (not me) can't stop her.

On the left rein she canter a few strides the runs back into trot. On this rein a find it easir to adopt the forward seat as she will do a few more strides with me off her back as soon as I sit she thinks trot.

She can do it quite well on the lunge but seems to find it difficult at times to balance with me on top.

Walk to canter is better as she has to step under more but trot to canter is more like running. i have tried improving the trot first but the more impulsion she has the faster she runs when asked to canter. I need to improve the transitions for trot to canter as prelim/novice dressage doesn't do walk to canter only trot to canter.
not very helpful, but maybe schooling her out would help more she would properly be happier and listen more, i find horse work better in a field or out on hacks as they are naturally more forward!!!
keep perserving with the lunging i have found it does the world of good but can take a few months to show!!
sounds like lack of muscle or balance in the left side, i would get her back checked first
then when you have the all clear just try to build up muscle on this side, you need to get her to come to you to get a nice canter leaning forwards it's not the best it will put her on the forehand and make her go faster you need to sit back think light, and keep pushing her on.
work more on transition going from walk to trot, and back and try to slow the trot down, when you ask her to canter you want it straight away otherwise she will get faster if she doesn't do it straight away slow her back down and try again and till you get it practicually straight away, i find a tap with the whip sometimes gives the horse the inspiration just to go straight into it!!!.
hope this help :D
First of all you need to slow the trot right down so your horse understands that you don't have to charge round the arean at break neck speed. To do this use half halts. If the horse does not listen go back to walk, transition to trot, half halts, again if horse does not listen back to walk. You MUST be in balance with your horse before attempting to canter, sounds like your horse is running into canter which means the behind is not engaged which means the trot is also flat.

Work on the trot, also use trotting poles, and risen trotting poles. TTthis will take many weeks but once you are satisfied then you can try canter. Your horse will more than likely run into canter first of all but once in canter you can then start to balance your horse for a few strides once you have achieved that, then leave it finish on a good note. Eventually you will get more and more strides. You many also find that your stike off may be hit and miss, if you do place a trtting pole in the corner of the school and ask for canter over the pole, get a new nice paces then leave it

Good luck
Could some1 please explaine to me

What are the basic movements for flat Canter?
what do you mean you want a flat canter, or you want to know what it feels like!!!????
it doesn't feel so rocky, it tends to feel like you are just going backwards and forwards rather than small little circles!! (up, forward, down, back)
ok there you are then :) :D
if you have a flat canter jumping is not easy, if he is collected the horse feels all light and moves easily. and it feels like you have loads of power.
For the most part, you want a canter that, how can I explain this, feels more like your moving up hill. The horse should have tons of impulsion coming from the hind quarters, especially if you plan to do any jumping. A horse can't properly rock off of it's hocks if he is moving flat.
not a prob elfin :) , they are used mainly on the lunge and there was a debate on here weither you should use them when riding, i wouldn't but thats my opinon.
they look like long peices of rope and often have a elasicated bit on, they can be nylon or leather.
they come from either the roller or can be looped around the girth and go to be attached to the bit.
they are used to balance the horse and keep it's head in the right position they shouldn't be too tight otherwise the restrict the movement!!
i use them when lunging my horse to get her weight off her forehand so she is using her hindquaters.