Easing the boredom of box rest


New Member
Has anyone got any advice on keeping a pony amused while on box rest? I'm helping to care for a pony who has to be kept stabled until Friday as the vet suspects early possible laminitis, as she normally lives out she is getting extremely bored, I have brought her an equiball and will hang up turnips in the stable etc but wondered if anyone had any other hints or tips on helping to prevent boredom? Thanks in advance! :)
Stable mirror! It makes them think that they've got a friend in there with them :)

There is someone selling them on ebay at the moment (don't have the link, sorry!).

If the horse is getting too stressed out then it might be a good idea to get some ACP as it will stop them moving around so much and will encourage them to lay down and take their weight off their legs.
if the pony has laminitis it should be on ACP anyway!!! not only is it a sedative but it increases the blood flow to the feet. if the vet hasn't prescribed this i'd be asking him some serious questions about his treatment methods.

when my mare was in box rest due to laminitis we used to hide veggies in her limited hay rations and we also gave her a turnip to munch on. but suspected lamanitics need to be kept as quiet as possible and not really encouraged to move around.

stable mirrors are a great idea :)
How about a cardboard box to trash? As well as the turnip you could hang up some forage like oak and cow parsley.
well after having seen merlin on box rest for 3 MONTHS..........

* sweedes do work a treat

*jolly balls

and most importantly: having another horse to talk to or human company :)