Does anyone know anything about room heater costs?


bossy boots
I have a radiator (which is not attached to the wall ) but more is a heater and is apparently 500kw. Does that mean anything to anyone? I have had it on a lot since i moved into my new place.. and am worried about an enormous bill?
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I would think its reasonably expensive to run. Anything involving heat or chilling is pricey.
We have a gas tank and still get horrendous leccy bills. Wonder if we are powering someone else's house sometimes. We do have 2 freezers though and 2 fridges so that could be something to do with it.
This Paul's department mainly - but 500kw is a small power station!! 5kw or 500 watts, but 500kw is impossible!! ;) 500kw would blow all your fuses and melt your cables...check it again. ;) Then Paul can advise - he's had to become an expert on small electric room heaters as electricity here is VERY VERY expensive. :eek:
If 500w then it costs you half of what you electric price is per hour to run - so if electric is 12p per hour, this would cost you 6p per hour (the electric is 12p for 1000w per hour or 1kw per hour).

There are some fab sites (google them) for calcuating the cost of heaters - I was looking at getting a room heater for our bedroom as we dont have the heating on, but early mornings are cold! I was looking for a 750w heater.
Oil filled radiators are supposed to be cheap to run. I used one for many years & did not have expensive bills. Before the recent price hikes though.