Canagliflozin Treatment for EMS, insulin dysregulation


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Dec 21, 2011
Shetland, UK
Canagliflozin Treatment for EMS, insulin dysregulation

Has anyone used this (or know of someone) on their own horse/pony/donkey? If so, thoughts, please?

Back story: Tiddles, 10yo Shetland pony has diagnosed EMS. He is not overweight. He gets laminitis just looking at grass. His insulin levels are raised despite no grazing and a soaked hay diet. So he is going to start this treatment under constant supervision of my vet and regular 2 weekly blood tests for raised triglyceride levels, kidney and liver function.
I haven't, but good luck with it. I know with Little Un I'd have tried almost anything and at least with him I could keep him exercised.
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Most I know have had metformin, I have a vague recollection that Canagliflozin is riskier but more effective. I’m not sure if my friend that was considering it made the switch in the end. Hopefully with the monitoring it should help pretty quickly 🤞
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No help other than to say my mum has been on dapagliflozin for her diabetes control. She was on metformin in the past. Think they work on the liver and kidneys in different ways. Given my mum has kidney failure maybe thats why it was changed.

Think you just have to read up as much as you can.
No knowledge of it but as you say quality of life has to at some time colour the decision. I threw £000s at Sapphire to try to save her but in the end had to call it as she was in pain and going to fall again - i know totally different scenario but she was looking so miserable and sad and the vet agreed.