Hi there. I've stumbled across this site and it's been great help to me already.
So my situation - I instruct kids and teens kayaking at an outdoor adventure center. I live near the center and have stables and a paddock, plus a couple of bomb proof ponies. I've been wanting to set up riding for autistic and aspergers kids as an activity and was wondering if you guys have any advice?
Is there anywhere I can get a grant? What's the lowest level of instruction I need to have (I'm aware the more experience and qualifications I have the cheaper insurance will be)? Do I need to have someone come out to check my yard?
So my situation - I instruct kids and teens kayaking at an outdoor adventure center. I live near the center and have stables and a paddock, plus a couple of bomb proof ponies. I've been wanting to set up riding for autistic and aspergers kids as an activity and was wondering if you guys have any advice?
Is there anywhere I can get a grant? What's the lowest level of instruction I need to have (I'm aware the more experience and qualifications I have the cheaper insurance will be)? Do I need to have someone come out to check my yard?