2025 - My Shetland Blog


Remember me?
Dec 21, 2011
Shetland, UK
I should've started this topic a few days back. I forgot. Apologies!


Where to begin? I don't know. All Christmas visitors have left and the vet has been for Tiddles. Oh, the worry.

The snow is not leaving Shetland quite yet. Cold and icey. Sheet ice on our tracks. Lethal.

I threw all the horses and ponies outside today and then spent the rest of the day hiding so I wouldn't have to get them inside again!

I am trying not to feed everyone. The theory being, if there is green grass, then go eat it. So then it snowed and haynets for all..... again.

I have learned to never get in the way of an ancient Shetland pony and her evening bucket. She doesn't take prisoners.

Finally, the snow is starting to go, and then the thick ice which is everywhere. The horses and ponies will be pleased to see their green fields again.

My dog walk as spent trying to find my sheep in a 40 acre field. They were at the far end grazing.

I needed supplies so I gave myself a day off from my usual life. Best lunch ever!
I have the same dilemma. Though my "big" camera is really light. It is the lenses that go on it which are heavy. And our yard is always full of pro photographers or fashion photo shoots.
But I am keeping mine and taking it with me to photograph my grand daughter and her partner next week,
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Found these two family photos of Michael Faraday. I am trying to find out more. If you can help, please give me a DM. Many thanks.