Easycare trail hoofboots


Active Member
Dec 18, 2007
Bournemouth, Dorset
Rosie's feet 12/8/11
Lf * 12.2 w 13 l
Rf 12.5 w 13
LB 12 w 12.6 l
RB 12.3 w 12.4 l

Based on her foot measurements, Lucy from the saddlery shop (who has been very helpful) has recommended the easycare trails. Does anyone have any experience/thoughts? Input appreciated :)
Are you fussed what style of boot you have?

Your mm are similar to ours I think just 2 cm bigger - we love the old mac originals but depends if you want that style boot or not. Stay on so much better for us as. Her feet are wide than long
I saw a pair in the flesh the other day - they're basically old mac G2's without the annoying straps and buckles. Probably a decent boot but not especially mud friendly and you do need to keep all the velcro away from hay and straw.
Lucy is great isn't she.

I have to admit now I've not seen one in the fresh but I personally would not want a boot that fits above the hairline but then Joy has a lot more feather than Rosie and many many people are happy with boors that do.
I have to say in my hoofboot spec list below the coronet was on the list.

A friend has some renegades so will check what size they are and try them.

Although they are higher than I wanted I do like the fact the entire fitting system is Velcro so no fiddley buckles or bits to break. It's finding which bit to compromise on as there'll always be something.
I hadn't wanted a boot above the hairline, but the mac originals are and I rate them - they feel stronger than the gloves, are easier to put on and stay put on her feet. Just got to hope her feet don't get smaller else they won't fit as they don't get any smaller lol.

Of to look at the trails :D

ETA: If her feet get bigger then I would be seriously looking at those - although I think I prefer the velcro band, and back strap with buckle on the macs, just seems a bit more secure.
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I had a pair on order for Frayne, but decided to cancel the order after seeing some in the flesh and my trimmer's opinion/experience.

They would be fine for use on a yard for a foot-sore pony or for a quiet hack around the block on tarmac, but I would not be confident that they would stay on through mud/stones/water/steep hills/bogs ......

Very easy to put on and take off, but Frayne found them a bit 'clumpy' compared to her Renegades - and the trimmer had a pair that came apart on the first wearing!

I would certainly recommend Renegades (let me know if you want a UK contact for them) or Easyboot Epics (if you are happy with the clip/wire on the front) or Gloves.

Ali x
Please may I have that uk renegade contact. The only person I actually know in person with hoofboots has renegades and I have to say I do like them. Her native does loads of miles on all terrains and speeds without any issues. It's a terrible thing to say but I really like the copper ones but of course will not be letting colour influence my decision!!!
Enduranceali, I would be interested in your uk contact re- renegades.
I have a full set of renegades and although we occasionally lose them, I think they are fab as they never rub, even over distances up to 80k.
Will need to replace my fronts soon, so it would be nice to get them from a uk agent.:smug:
I had a pair on order for Frayne, but decided to cancel the order after seeing some in the flesh and my trimmer's opinion/experience.

They would be fine for use on a yard for a foot-sore pony or for a quiet hack around the block on tarmac, but I would not be confident that they would stay on through mud/stones/water/steep hills/bogs ......

Very easy to put on and take off, but Frayne found them a bit 'clumpy' compared to her Renegades - and the trimmer had a pair that came apart on the first wearing!

I would certainly recommend Renegades (let me know if you want a UK contact for them) or Easyboot Epics (if you are happy with the clip/wire on the front) or Gloves.

Ali x

I agree, however I know Rhia can't wear any of those boots (I would love a pair of Renegades) and if trials have been recommended it is probably because the shape of the hoof isn't suitable for the properly fitted boots like Renegades, Epics or Gloves.

If that is true anna, then I would go with what PFB says. Old Macs or Old Mac G2s. I have just had a look at the demo video for the trial and they wouldn't last us 5 minutes. They would be off on the first ride and the velcro would get full of stuff quickly and be useless. Unless you only ride on roads and never get out of a trot then they seem a bit pointless.

The straps on the G2s (I haven't had any Old Mac normals but might try them next) are a bit fiddly, especially on Rhia because it is quite stretched. But once on they stay on and don't slip. The pastern wraps are useful too - if you are worried about the coronet band. My next pair, I am going to take to a cobblers and see if he can change the leather short straps for something more useful. Was also thinking about hoofwings. :cry: Wish she fitted Renegades.
I have a pair of trails. I wanted the easiest possible boots to put on and off because I was using them to take him over stony tracks to the field. They are an absolute doddle to put on and off -- but I don't know how secure or comfortable they'd be for more than little jaunts.
if trials have been recommended it is probably because the shape of the hoof isn't suitable for the properly fitted boots like Renegades, Epics or Gloves.

Hmm I think the saddlery shop who recommended them dont sell renegades :redface:

I find myself moving towards the renegades as several people are telling me they have worn them successfully for miles without issue and that makes me feel reassured!
Was just reading a book which is the Horse Owners Guide to Barefoot and he seems to suggested the Swiss Hoof Boot is the best, although they do need proper fitting by a proper fitter initially.
Hmm I think the saddlery shop who recommended them dont sell renegades :redface:

I find myself moving towards the renegades as several people are telling me they have worn them successfully for miles without issue and that makes me feel reassured!

Yes, but they sell gloves, epics and others. :) These and Renegades all need a *proper shaped hoof. If your horse has wider feet then trials, G2s or Old Macs are more likely to fit. All I was saying, is that if they haven't recommended gloves, then Renegades might not suit. Have a look at their measurements though.