Why is it easier to get Ale to work..


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2012
..in an outline in sitting trot than rising trot??

Was working on it today, when I went sitting he had the perfect bend and lots of impulsion (almost too much) and could feel him really lifting his feet and pushing from behind.

Then when I went rising it instantly fell apart, lost all impulsion and head carriage then felt fake with no power. Shortly after head would come up and nose would poke.

Any ideas, guess maybe I'm unbalancing him with my rising or I don't use enough leg when I rise to the trot?
I would say it's easier for him to lift his back 'into' something.

when I do pilates I find it easier to lift my legs into a resistance - so when we do two man exercises it's easier to do certain movements when my partner provides that resistance.
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I am the same with Ben, he goes really well in sitting trot but it falls apart in rising. This is because I lose the consistency of my hands and while I try and stop them, they move with me when I rise up and down. I therefore don't give him a consistent contact to work into. If I work hard to making myself very still in the sitting trot and then only do the smallest of rises in the rising trot while keeping my hands and body still, we can maintain the perfect outline. It's hard to keep up though.
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Yes, I was going to say perhaps it is to do with your movement when rising?
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My RI would say that it's the contact between your underneath and the saddle that draws his back up and allows him to drop into an outline. It's much harder to provide that consistent contact when you're rising. I'm the same, Ziggy goes nicely in trot when I sit but whizzes off once I start to rise. Sometimes I get the hang of it and can sort of plaster myself to him when I land (eew) and then he comes back to me.
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I find the opposite with Belle, although we don't do much sitting trot anymore (not allowed as apparently it's very bad for a back with no spring left in it, mine that is) having said that I watched some video of me yesterday and am appalled at how much my hand jiggles up and down, poor Belle.
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Would someone watch the video I posted and tell me if I'm moving my hands up and down too much? The video I posted the other week of my Interdressage. Because I'm not sure?

So to improve on it if its not down to my hands, maybe I need to rise smaller and perhaps sit a bit deeper or something. Yesterday I just went sitting when I lost it then tried rising until we lost it again. we did manage to maintain it a bit with me rising but I really wasn't sure what had changed haha
Interesting thread.
From my point the rise removes you temporary, that said I like your rise because it's minimul. Your lifting and resitting is causing him to hollow then if he loses the rhythm? Are you on the correct leg?
In looking at my footage I rise too much and I did two sessions working on this. It wasn't commented on, it just stood out for me among other things.
Well I've just watched your video again @Ale and your outside rein looks fine, especially on the right rein, it does go a bit looser on your left rein but it doesn't jiggle about, not that I can see anyway, I think you are a lovely rider.
Thankyou for the comments they are all very helpful. Yes newforest it does cause him to hollow, I am fairly hot on my diagonals so don't think its that, since his injury he always throws me onto the wrong one on the left rein but I always correct. I'm trying to remember which rein it is that he goes better on, thankyou kite rider I do let my outside rein slip one way round more than the other, something to keep an eye on and try and correct. I don't think I am a nice rider at all but thankyou, I'm just so pleased with how he is going lately and I want to try and improve myself so he can't move to the best of his ability!
Well I've just watched your video again @Ale and your outside rein looks fine, especially on the right rein, it does go a bit looser on your left rein but it doesn't jiggle about, not that I can see anyway, I think you are a lovely rider.
I am an idiot! It's the other way around, when you are on the right rein your outside goes a bit loose, honestly Ale when you see my video you will see just what a nice rider you are. :)