Who'd have thought...?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2000
Generally we never have foals in singles, so the foals haave always had friends to socialise with.

Frances borrowed a foal and mare from her neighbour, a Shetland, and Hetty told it, in no uncertain terms that if she so much as saw it she would beat it up. we thought this phase would pass, but sadly, no, She HATES shetlands.

Anyway for her own safety we removed the mare and foal and after the escape of the other night had my 4 down round the house, and Hetty seemed very keen to be with them;

While we were pulling up ragwort we let my lot speak to her over the fence, that was fine, then we let one mare in with her, great, no problems, in the end I let all of them through to be in with her and the foal. She has pulled a few faces, but nothing dreadful. So far so good. All she wanted was "her own people" round her.
Mine is scared of our mini Shetland. Fine to sniff and if he is in his field, but should he come out, its poop all the place.
All quit on the Western Front, they are all together in a big huddle this morning. Poor Hjatli, no foals to play with, but he will have his UNcle Fákur and Tór the class clown to play with.