What's Your Definition Of Bullying?


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2008
Just curious listening to a few comments on the yard lately, i wondered if you could actually put it down to verbal bullying.

Telling someone that what they are doing is nothing, if you can do so and so now that's amazing.
Your not a bad rider, is this a way of saying your not a good one?
If it was my horse, i'd not do that i'd do this (poking in their beaks!)
Bullying is systematic and sustained abuse over a period of time designed to bring down a person's self esteem with no regard to their emotions.

It would be hard to pass comment without knowing the people involved personally. If someone is saying bothersome things, then nip it in the bud quickly. There isn't any need to lower yourself to their level and be rude. Just sharply, but politely tell them that you don't require any help or opinions.
I think anything designed to upset and put you down deliberately is bullying.

Don't put up with it: if they say 'I would do this if it were my horse', the person should make a definitive reply eg 'Yes, it's not your horse and I will do it my way, thanks ever so'-try a nice sarcastic tone with it!