What is Hill Therapy (Parelli)?


New Member
Oct 27, 2004
Hi all,

I have tried looking on the internet for a description on what it is, how you go about it and what the outcome of completing it is etc but had no luck.

I have also had a look on NR as i know its been mentioned but still really don't understand what it is!!

Can anyone help? Is there anything out there with anything on or is it just another thing thats come and gone like the original levels !

I do think my horse would benefit from it and he needs to improve balance and muscle but i don't want to guess what im doing!

Thanks guys

There was an article about it in "Horse & Rider" UK magasine.
Loose quote:

...Use a 22-foot line, as this is a good length for circle work...
Choose a slope :
- small incline : 10 degrees for trot & canter; 12 degrees for walk and trot.
- no hills, use barrels (18 inches high) placed on the circle at 3 & 9 o'clock

...Hill therapy should not be physically stressful for the horse - you're trying to restore his health, not wear him out!
And the horse must be sound, not lame or sore in his movement due an injury or arthritis.

As I say it is a loose quote, I am sorry I cut off the article from the mag so I do not know which number etc...
Sorry I won't quote 6 pages aricle.

Perhaps contact Horse & rider, they can sell you a copy of the mag.