trotting on my pony today


New Member
Aug 31, 2011
Maine USA
bounce bounce bounce

I posted the trot before on a large horse in the past and did pretty good. but on my little pony it's sooooo fast I feel like I'm going to fly out of the saddle.

we're going to try longer stirrups next time, but I was really surprised at how bouncy it was and how hard to post so quickly.

so, I told my instructor I want to keep working on the walks (slow regular and fast walk) for a while more.

and sitting the trot...even worse.

should I start with learning to sit the trot or post it? both seem impossible to me. hehe. my instructor started me with sitting but as I was flying out of the saddle she said to try posting. my pony at one point turned to head home. glad he was on the line. =)

love to hear your posting on pony stories.
I'm very lucky my pony has a slow and very comfortable trot, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of posting soon :)
as a fellow rider of small equines, i suggest to let the pony do the work for you :D just go with it, don't try to 'rise' actively like you do on a big one. it's a small pony, so very small rising will do :)

for sitting trot, try without stirrups and a long leg to help you find your balance :)
thw western should make it easier to not post i would have thought? but then, only ever ridden in a western saddle once :)

if you get an english one, make sure you have it fitted properly :)

and we need more pics of your pony :D
On any horse or the simulator, I sit for a few beats to the trot to get the feel and then let the bounce start me off. You should not have to make any extra effort to rise out of the saddle.
thanks for the tips. I've lowered my stirrups and I'll try to relax and go with it more at my next lesson.

I liked trotting in the past on other horses, but since my bolting experiences and the fall, I've become totally frightened each time my pony starts to trot.
This made me giggle a bit but only because when I'm out on S with others from the yard on their big horses I do twice the leg work :giggle:

S has two nice slow easy to post and the other is just silly and normally when she is excited and very very hard to get her to go back to the nice relaxing one!
Here are some ideas about the pony trot:

If your pony is tense, his trot will probably be rougher. ... at least that's how my pony is. And if I'm tense, my posting isn't good. My instructor says to have relaxed hips. I'm automatically tense in the hips unless I remind myself to relax them.

My instructor has me keep a steady rhythm with my post and my pony will stay with my rhythm, not speed up. When they move their legs faster, the trot gets rougher. If you just stay steady in your post and use your leg some on him, he'll extend his legs rather than speed them up. I think it would then be easier to post.

I think an English saddle will help... one with good knee/thigh blocks. That helps me keep my leg position steady, more secure, and it helps with posting the trot.

I like the feel of a pony trot, and now don't like riding big horses. It takes some adjusting. Some people like it and some don't. For me, it feels like there is more going on. It's just more exciting. I hope you end up liking it. :smile:

Keep us updated on your progress. :smile: