Time off for Hint of Stiffness??


Sexy Dressage Pony
May 7, 2003
On my horses back...
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I think Captain is a little stiff in one of his hind legs. I just cant see it but feel it and have a suspicion.....You know when you just know that something is not right but cant put your finger on it...:confused: Anyway I am going to give him this week off. Ride on Saturday. Do you think this is ok?? Monitoring everyday of course....:)
The best thing if you think it is stiffness is to make sure he is out. You dont have to ride him, you can turn him out in the paddock for a little while or lunge him and allow him to stretch. Keeping him in a stall, if you are doing that, will only cause more issues. But make sure he gets out to stretch out the stiffness.
Agree, plenty of movement is the best thing for stiffness, no different for them as for us :)
Morning NN

Definitely keep him moving if he is just stiff, but you don't have to ride him. Turn him out as much as poss.

And trust those instincts after the year I've had with people saying no Auds is not lame etc, trust those instincts:eek:
If it is just stiffness (as in over worked muscles or something like that) then giving him time off strenuos work will be a benifit, lunging is hard for horses so avoid that, lots of turn out and maybe doing light ridden work like a gentle walk down the road for 20 mins would be of benifit. If however you think it could be something more than just stiffness, giving him a complete rest just going out in the field will give his body time to heal etc :p
I wouldn't give time off for stiffness....unless it was an injury, otherwise Bry would be permenatly on a rest.

Gentle exercise and apple cidar vinegar.
