The end may be in sight...


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2004
At last! our local NHS authority has found 3 carers for my gran so we get a phone call today to say she can possibly go home on thursday. Great! HOWEVER... they have yet to instal any of the aids or alarms they have secured funding for. They have also not given us enough notice to get her fridge and freezer stocked. Apparently (for health and safety reasons) carers can only heat up the wiltshire foods ready meals. They deliver up here once a fortnight, and delivered friday last week. To say the same care manager was adamant my gran was a dottled lunatic who needed sedated and locked in a care home it's quite a turnaround to want to throw her out into a flat which hasn't been modified. THEY insisted on these modifications. Where is the money? why haven't they done this yet? they got some sort of grant to fund it (we would have funded it but they wouldn't let us) so there should be no delay!

I'm begining to think my OH is right, never mind National Health Service, it's the No Hope Service at least in our local area. Absolute joke!