successfully past a scarey thing today!


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2006
for the last year i have got off and led past anything scarey...two days ago we passed a washing line - this type of thing never scares Moet usually because we have done lots of ground games which have bombproofed her really well :)

anyway on tues we approached a house with a spinning washing line (like if the wind blows)...anyway as we past it it span and made a really loud ratchet spooked Moet and so Rosie took the lead and we got past ok enough. Anyway today we past it again....this time approaching it it was making the ratchet noise and Moet stopped...i waited...did some backing up and stepping forward, rewarded her for even the smallest step in the right direction...and passed it we went!! ok when we passed it she was very nervous and looking sideways at the ground...i dont think she could understand where the noise was coming from and then i noticed there was a wind chime aswell making a noise!!

im really proud that i dealt with it in a way that suits us...and it was a really good learning experience for Rosies Loanee who was following, watching and understanding what and why i was doing it that way instead of forcing the horse through it!