


There has been snow on the high, tops on the Grampians this past week. I hope we are not in for a heavy winter.
We've had snow on the hills near Glasgow. We've also had some bad ice on the roads the past few days. Yesterday there was a bad crash on a road near to the yard. Two cars had a head on crash and ended up in a ditch. This morning it was lovely and crisp and cold up at the yard, I love it when it is like that:biggrin: although I do hope the weather isn't too bad this year and I can get to the yard ok!
Whats MIL?

I hate snow so so much with such a passion I cannot emphasise this enough :banghead:

I can cope with it for a few days in a week or two but then it is not pretty anymore and just plain stressful driving 2 hours mostly on country roads to work and home and then to yard and home and not being able to ride etc :stomp:

I believe those who love it and dont mind it for a long time are those who dont have to drive far in it daily in the dark and dont have horses :throwball: