Random thought

tiamaria lady

Active Member
Jul 2, 2010
This is a random and pointless thread but what the hell :p
Do you ever find that people that treat their horses like cr*p never get bad luck with them? A girl I know.....the beds are filthy , whatever is there of it. Practicaly lying on the ground!! Where as I'm over here with my lovely comfy bed and indie manages to walk out of stable this morning with a fine cut on her hock!!
Another man I know puts his tb out on the boggiest ground there is and even though the horse does cart wheels at times....is never lame! Last week indie came in a bit lame after doing her thing around a flat paddock!!! And a few other things I can think of. It baffles me! Anyone ever think This?
Depends on the horse I suppose. I knew one horse that could find all the infections on offer if it cut itself.
Mine generally didn't get scrapes, to much hair maybe.
Its always the way, same for kids and dogs etc the ones that are better looked after or molly cuddled and wrapped in cotton wool are the ones that get hurt, catch all the bugs, infections etc but the ones who are just left to almost fend for themselves seem to come to no harm.
It drives me crazy o_O but I see exactly that so much, it isn't that mine are molly coddled or wrapped in cotton wool, they're out being let to live like horses but they also don't want for anything and their needs are met to the best of my abilities, yet people who do the bare minimum (or less) seem to never have a problem.
Interesting point carthorse.

I’ve noticed this a lot over the years :( much just be their luck that the horse is hardy and not phased.
To throw something else into the mix, is it that nothing goes wrong with them or that unless it's major it's not noticed?

That's what Mr T always said to me when I used to grumble about J always needing the vet when we were on a yard, and nobody elses ever seemed to get sick or lame despite being left to their own devices when they should not have been!
To throw something else into the mix, is it that nothing goes wrong with them or that unless it's major it's not noticed?
Thays a really good point, I suspect you're dead right. I know several who really don't seem to notice something that would concern me and somehow the horse sorts itself out and nothing comes of it, where the same thing, with my luck, would mean an expensive (not just monetary) problem.