Quantum Savvy Natural Horsemanship!

Yeah did'nt she used to be a parelli professional??

Seen a couple of demo's that someone sent me a link for.

Did'nt like the demo's with the both of them doing it together, thought they were disorganised and it was very Parelli, not surprising seeing as she was born of Parelli. They also had a little bit of a disagreement in front of the crowd and I thought they did'nt bounce off each other very well.

But saw him a do a trailer load on another clip and it was a real good load, very effective.
It is very obvious that they are off of Parelli. Which to tell you the truth I have no problem with (they have a few nicer things, and got rid of a few other not so nice :D) them being an offshoot of Parelli, or a virgin birth from a man (how that works I don't get :rolleyes: :D). But what I do like is that it is in my area, and I can use them, and I know enough to throw out the garbage ;D. But it will also give me an opportunity to know what to do, the first bit will be just to easy. But I do like the coaching.