Poor Hoof Growth


New Member
Oct 14, 2015

I have an ex racer 14 yrs old, feet now in good condition, but growth on front is non existent, any rememdies? have tried Biotin, Seaweed, Cornecresine. Has Effol on daily stumped what else to try?

Aviod topical stuff and feed for all round health, the tough part is doing it for 9-12 months to see if its helping :) rosehips are an old fashioned supplement for feet but I suspect they were successful as they contain so many things good for feet nutritionally rather than being a miracle cure.
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Several horses on our yard have been on formula 4 feet and I think it's marvellous. My own was put on it on the farrier's recommendation after an EP trimmed his feet right down and we wanted them to grow quickly. Others had it for poor quality hooves. You can see the effect quite quickly as the new horn grows down from the coronet. It has the added benefit of making my friend's bay horse really shiny!
My horses use to have terrible feet before using blue chip balancer and now have rock hard feet I use topical ointment occasionally or when the long hot dry spells as advised by farrier
I use farriers formula and stick to a low starch, low sugar diet and my farrier is always commenting on how hard my boys hooves are.
I combine my blue chip with a molasses free alfalfa chaff too making there duet also low sugar and starch