Photo Album - good for 'nervous nellies'


New Member
Jun 2, 2007
North Wales
I bought a photo album for 50p from my daughter's summer fair the other day. I've been having fun sticking in photos of me and Kissie since I got her eight months ago. It's a chronological record of our time together. I've got lots of pictures and I've written comments next to each picture in the third person as if Kissie is speaking. Its interesting to see the difference in my position on the horse and to see how much more confidence I have got now compared to before. For all nervous nellies it might be an idea to try, sometimes its only when you compare pictures that you can see progress when you might feel as if none is being made. Try it- its fun anyway!
Fab idea Welshgirl, I totally agree. When I bought Ria I kept a journal with photos for the next 6 months, and it was amazing how much it helped my confidence. A great way of tracking progress, getting your thoughts in order and a lovely permanent record of your time with your horse! So I'm joining you in wholeheartedly recommending this :D