oestress supplement making my mare stoned

Lexi 123

Sep 9, 2019
My mare has been on oestress a few days she appears like she is stoned She is currently on the loading scopes . Has this happened to anyone before.
Not a product I have used. However, I do know that sometimes the loading dose on a calmer can make them giddier than ever initially. I think from memory the Global Herbs one does tell you on the tub that at first it can make them appear more "alert" (read: bonkers! lol).
Hopefully someone else on here will have some experience of the product you're using. Btw, is there a phone number on the product like a helpline? Or could you email them?
I’ve used it in the past and it did mare my girl more chilled (less reactive) but not what I’d call stoned. There’s nothing with a sedative effect in the ingredients but it does have magnesium which can be a calmer.