Need some guidance and advice please ....


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2000
So horse and I went out in new company this weekend, and let's just say he was strong. On the plus side I've used the hat camera for the first time and it works !:dance: but as hubby was showing me how to use the video editing software I was telling him about what we were doing at certain points of the ride and what the horse was doing.

I said he was a bit strong and had hubby hold a peice of rope whilst I held the other end showing how I was holding it whilst the horse was cantering - I got a horrifed look from him :eek: since yesterday I've had mildly aching shoulders if I hold them a certain way if that gives you a clue.

My predicament is I have a new sharer for him, and whilst he's absolutely fine on his own, I know she'll want to ride out in company eventually with him. L was being a tit at certain points and I was relaxed mostly as I know him inside out and knew that him being unfit at the moment he'd run out of steam soon (he didn't and given how long he was dancing and looking impressive but being a moron and for the distance he was doing it - that horse is fitter than I thought !)

I'm not overly worried, as on his own he's fine, however he can power walk a bit at times but until she rides him more often she'll get to know him more and know his personality. Horse has been hacked on his own for the last 4 years, only company being my husbands horse who in all honesty there was NO difference in hacking out on his own or with him. I've ridden out once with other liveries at the yard and he was fine.

Currently he's in a french link pehlam with roundings with a leather curb, but it's farily loose (the curb).

Should I ask that she ride him out in a martingale ? Would that help ? I've never used before at all, but his breastplate has the attachments, or should I look at another type of noseband ? He's in a plain hunter type at the moment.

My first thoughts were just to ask her to ride out on her own for the time being (no worries she has someone to walk out with her) and do some basic schooling (transitions etc - we have no school so all schooling is done on a hack) what else could I be doing to help the situation ? :unsure: I did think maybe a stronger bit, however I'm a bit :unsure: about this as it could be causing more damage couldn't it ? But I know in experience hands a more stronger bit would be kinder than a snaffle for sure, but I'm not experienced and not sure about his sharer....

Loose the roundings and ride with 2 reins, giving you independent use of the curb as and when u need it!