Neck & lower face protection?


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2014
I'm hoping my fellow NR's can help :)

My lips are currently SO sore & I think it's from being outdoors & riding so much, despite using lots of lipbalm.

I have lots of snoods & neck warmers, but I think my lips really suffer from doing so much riding & hacking where you have the added wind & my neck warmers don't come up high enough.

Is there a type of neck warmer that would cover my mouth as well - but allow me to still breath?!
Motor cyclists have half face masks, one of those might work :) or I've seen fleece riding hat covers advertised which also come roght down the neck and Velcro round over the lower face :)
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I feel your pain! I can't abide anything much more than a wooly hat. I tried balaclava type affairs but they make me grumpy lol you can get a really thin one for wearing under a riding hat.
On the lip balm front, I've tried everything from Kiels to vaseline and still find the vaseline in a tiny tin the best. Just keep slapping it on! Do you wear foundation at all? I do anyway but if you pick a moisurising one it helps, I like L'Oreal or Lancome.
I've tried a balaclava under-the-hat type thing & honestly, I found it so clausterphobic ... trying to get it off, was one of the hardest things I've ever done! I thought I might be better with something I can just pull up over my mouth?!

Yep, 99% of the time I'm at the yard in full make up :D I've found Dr Organics aloe vera cream amazing for my skin - I mix it with my foundation & so far, my skin has stayed hydrated this year. Normally it suffers around now! I use a primer underneath & finishing powder on top along with some bronzer/highligher. A spritz of setting spray and that doesn't budge despite the canter/gallop induced wind tears - although I did have to change to waterproof mascara :D
Motor cyclists have half face masks, one of those might work :) or I've seen fleece riding hat covers advertised which also come roght down the neck and Velcro round over the lower face :)

Oooh, I'll have to investigate the motorcyclist face masks. Thanks :)
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I have a jack wolfskin neck warmer, it's thin enough to pull up over my mouth/ears and my riding hat holds it in place, but it does keep my face and neck surprisingly warm, I used to do that with fleece neck warmers when I was riding motor bikes.
Have to say I am in awe of anyone who can get up and put make up on before going to the yard! lol Even on a rare night out I manage a bit of mascara and some eyeliner and that's about my limit.
Ebay "riding hat snood" . Goes on the outside so it might not feel so claustrophobic.
Or a Buff.... they are nice and lightweight. I've used them to cover my nose and mouth when running in sub-zero temperatures.
Or a Buff.... they are nice and lightweight. I've used them to cover my nose and mouth when running in sub-zero temperatures.
I think that's what mine would be described as domane, a buff, although on the wolfskin website they are just called 'tube scarf' I think.
I use a thin lycra snood which I pull up across my chin. I do put it part over my head which covers my ears. It's thin enough to put my riding hat on my head over the top of it. If I get cold I pull it up for a short time over my mouth they pull it back to my chin.
I'm sure I've seen a balaclava type thing that you can put over your riding hat.
It might sound silly but could you be allergic to the lip balm or something else. I suffer from a thing called contact eczema. It gives me very sore peeling lips, it also effects the skin around my eyes. I currently have a bad back so I have brought some voltarol a week ago to rub into my back. Unfortunately I have reacted to it. The reaction comes out in my face. My lips and just above my top lip have become very sore so I am now applying betnovate cream to my lips to combat the effects of the voltarol. I can't use some hand creams and makeup is a big no no. Even if it's for sensitive skin. I will just get tight sore skin and peel.
PM me your address and I'll send you some of my home made Shetland Beeswax lip balm
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