My poor pony :( good vibes needed pls


Delightfully Mad!
Apr 7, 2005
West Kent
Got my little welsh mare in yesterday evening, and she was SO lame. Checked her all over, and couldn't find any injuries, lumps, bumps, heat, nothing. But her front of elbow was incredibly sore.
Called my vet in, and he checked her all over, seems she may have been kicked, and he suspected a fracture!:eek:
Buted her up for the night, and had vet back this morning.

Poor little mite can hardly move, her whole leg is dragging. :(

It turns out, she has a hairline fracture at the front of leg, but worse is that there appears to be nerve damage.:eek::eek:

She is now buted up to the eyeballs, and is on two months box rest, but will be reviewed twice weekly by the vet (luckily I'm good friends with him)

She's only out with BB, so she's the culprit! But BB won't stay in the field on her own without throwing herself all over the place, so she's in too.

Pony loves being in, but BB is going nuts, and it's only day 1 ~ what to do??

Think I've cried more today than I have in years. Some good vibes for my Dolly bird, she had such a rough start to life, has done me so proud, and poor little thing has got to go through this.

Thanks for reading this "pity" post X
That terrible poor ponies and poor you. It's awful when they have to be on box rest but at least its winter so its less tempting outside for the ponies.

I used global herbs instant super calm on my pony who did not like being stabled and it worked a treat - either that or the anti stable problem has been resolved by bad weather and not much grass!
what a nightmare, i feel for you :eek: hopefully yur anti-stabling horse will get used to it or you find a way to turn her out with someone else's horse. i hope your little pony gets better, too!

*hugs* I'm so sorry to hear this! Bad BB! Might be worth trying BB with Rescue Remedy while she's in?
Bad BB! Might be worth trying BB with Rescue Remedy while she's in?

May change her name to ... ASBO!

Bloody horse, I put her in the sand school, while I skipped her out, just to stretch her legs, and she just trashed the school gate, broken the top bar clean off, smashed the catch and run out of school up to the yard. :mad:

Can't believe how well little Dolly is doing!!! :D It looks as if her nerves may not be as damaged as we first thought ~ she is now moving the leg, and it's not dragging anymore (well, maybe 1 step out of 10:rolleyes:)

The site around the fracture is now swollen, and still incredibly tender to the touch, but that is only to be expected.

She's such a feisty little welsh mare, and she's coping with staying in so well, I'm sure it's all to your kind thoughts and vibes ~ so well done NR!! :D

Thank you all xxxx
Oh hope she makes a speedy recovery xxx

My boy has had a swelling on his hind leg, which went down after week boxrest as instructed by my vet. It did go down and turned him out on his own for a few days and somehow the hudini got into the big field and decided to gallop up and down with his mates!!

Next day leg swollen again, so vet coming tomoz :( more box rest and xray i think
sending you lots of lovely get well soon Dolly vibes

(I normally post under another ID but had a rant to do so needed to have another ID that didn't idenify my yard!)